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AlgoKP – algorithms for orthogonal knapsack problems

AlgoKP is a software to solve 2D orthogonal knapsack packing problems:

It contains an implementation of two algorithms:

Current developpers


It is still beta software and is provided only for benchmarking purposes.

  • the archive (including a jar file and all benchmarks files)

Installation & Usage

A Java Virtual Machine (>=1.5) is needed to run this software.

  • Installation: extract the archive (you should get the jar file AlgoKP.jar and a subdirectory benchmarksOPP/ – add your own benchmarks files in this subdirectory, if any)
  • Usage: java -jar AlgoKP.jar
  • “suite 1” runs the set of standard instances NGCUT, GCUT, CGCUT, OKP for the 2D-orthogonal knapsack packing problem – these files are provided for conveniency. The original benchmarks files are also available at Beasley’s OR-Library.
  • “suite 2” runs the set of Clautiaux’s instances for the 2D-orthogonal packing problem – these files are provided for conveniency. The original benchmarks files are also available at Clautiaux’s Orthogonal-packing benchmarks webpage.